Seminario sulle correlazioni tra l’inquinamento dell’aria e la diffusione del Sars Covid 2
Il 24 giugno 2021 alle ore 10.00 si è tenuto un webinar in materia di interazioni inquinamento e diffusione del virus SARS-CoV-2.
Presentazioni Obiettivi Progetto Pulvirus
- Giorgio Cattani (ISPRA) WP1: Analysis of the effects of physical distancing measures during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic: what the Italian monitoring stations say.
- Ilaria D’Elia (ENEA) WP2: The effects of lockdown measures on air quality in Italy based on model simulations.
- Dimitri Bacco (ARPAE Emilia Romagna) WP3: Characterization of the particulate matter chemical composition and size distribution.
- Giandomenico Pace (ENEA) WP4: Effect of the COVID related reduction of emissions on greenhouse gases.
- Anna Maria Colacci (ARPAE Emilia Romagna) WP5: Physical-chemical-biological interactions between fine particles and viruses.
- Stefania Marcheggiani (ISS) WP6: Recommendations on air particulate samples treatment, preliminary evaluations for the development of an early warning model and training in the emergency context.